
“Since I started these studies, I have gain more confidence in God’s love and blessings for me; knowing who I am in Christ and the bright future in front of me…” 

"I know now that I have a purpose and I can impact my life and others. I thank God for Charis Manna Bible studies and I feel so blessed to learn these truths while I am still young."

Michaela Muberuka

“While I very much encourage studying the Word of God individually, it is very important to do so with fellow christians as well. I have been extremely blessed by Charis Manna Bible Studies.”

"The Bible says 'iron sharpens iron', this verse has come alive in my life through these Bible studies. God has revealed so much to me, I have learned a lot and my life has changed. I know WHO I am in Christ, the AUTHORITY I have as a believer, and more importantly what the cross means for me and what Jesus achieved for all of us when he died that brutal death on the cross in our place."

Esther Areikin

“I grew up as a devout Catholic and spent most of my teenage years going to church virtually everyday. Church has always been part of my life.”

"However I never had an understanding of salvation. I left Catholics, joined Pentecostal churches and became born again. I still was not sure of heaven and the purpose of life. Reading my Bible outside church was hard and difficult to understand.
My first study was an eye opener and I yearn for more. I cried once because of all my wasted life in religious activities with no basic understanding of Jesus gospel of peace and grace until now. I'm grateful to God for Charis Manna Bible studies and I will never take them for granted. My mind is constantly being renewed through the teachings. The study has given me a totally new outlook of life and full understanding of my purpose here on earth. I treasure the studies with my heart and I always look forward to them."

Ifeoma Isife